St. James of Jerusalem
A mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
Welcome to
St. James of Jerusalem
a Mission of the Diocese of Long Island
Join this warm and welcoming group as much or as little as you like. All are welcome at St. James of Jerusalem!
Services are on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. in-person and livestreamed on Facebook.
Pledges of support for 2025 can be made here:

St. James is pleased to welcome our new full-time Vicar effective December 1, the Reverend Michael F. Delaney. Read more here.
Would you like to join our church? Just come!
Membership in the Episcopal Church is wide-open to absolutely everyone, and communion, at St. James, is served to all who are hungry for more of God’s love.
You may join this church at any level with which you are comfortable,
but those who regularly
· attend Sunday worship
· participate in St. James’ life and work,
· and contribute financially
are likely to feel more deeply a part of the church.